It's no secret that I tend to be a tiny bit passionate about football. Today I'm passionately pissed.
I attended a football game last night that left me feeling pissed off, frustrated and disgusted with the state of college football. Now granted I am writing this on less than 3 hours sleep. I'm stuck at the airport and can't get out so needless to say my attitude might need a bit of an adjustment. BUT I'm going to rant anyway because I can. And I don't have enough followers to worry about pissing anyone off.
First off the visiting team was classless and very rude. Which not something I would have expected from this team and this particular head coach.
The players talked trash the entire game to the fans in the stands.
I tend to hold grudges against teams that beat the teams I am cheering for.
I am officially holding a grudge against this team. I can not stand that type of behavior from football players.
Perhaps I will compose a letter to that head coach as well. He is classier than what his players portrayed last night. Or so I thought.
Second, the unbelievably bad calls by the officiating crew killed any momentum. We had some offensive issues. But seriously the coaches have to game plan against a team and the officials?
Yes, I have seriously composed a letter to the SEC commissioner about the officiating crew.
If I am this frustrated as a fan how frustrated are the football coaches?
How frustrated is the team?
How does a head coach not blow up and start throwing down? I was ready to jump that fence and take out an official and an opposing player or two.
I have never seen such blatant and biased bullshit calls in my life.
Oh wait....
Yes, I have! This same crew doing the same home team game about a month ago.
How do these people continue to screw up at their ONE & ONLY job and still have a job?
If the average person messed up as much as these officials they would be unemployed.
The officials need to be revamped and perhaps they need to become non conference specific.
I will keep you posted on Greg Sankey's response.
I'm sure I will get immediate action and response. (Yes, that is written in sarcastic font).
Side note: 2 opposing team fans are sitting next to me and we are discussing the game. They were highly impressed with our defense. They were as disgusted with the officials as much as me.
They are slowly chipping away chipping away at that grudge. Maybe.
Sorry for the multitude of grammatical mistakes. But whatever I'm pissed. And tired.