I love my dog, football college is better than the NFL, coffee, wine, men and lots of swear words!! Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. These are mine. If you are going to be mean keep yours to yourself.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pet Peeves!

Things that drive me absolutely CRAZY!

Mini Vans and the idiots who drive them.
Seriously don't let your 18 thousand kids put stickers on EVERY effin window then MAYBE you could see when switching lanes.

People who can not merge on to the highway. Use the gas peddle it is the LONG ONE ON THE RIGHT it makes your car GO!

Out of state drivers.... In Texas we drive FAST! VERY VERY FAST!
The left lane we go 15-20 miles over the speed limit. The middle lane we 10-15 miles over. The right lane we go no less that 5-10 miles over the speed limit. So, if you want to survive on the highways please keep up with the flow of traffic or get the hell off the road!

People who come into the store and let their kids run around like wild banshees! They drop stuff the parents ignore them. They erase chalk boards parents ignore them. They terrorize my dog their parents ignore them. KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR KIDS OR ELSE!

Fake people.
Rude people.
Stupid people.
Negative people.

I have more but talking about them is wearing me out!

Stay positive people it is a contagious vibe there needs to be more positivity in the world!

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