I love my dog, football college is better than the NFL, coffee, wine, men and lots of swear words!! Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. These are mine. If you are going to be mean keep yours to yourself.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Inner Fuckerness

Yes I said The Inner Fuckerness.
What is Inner Fuckerness you ask?
Well, over my vast experience with men in all capacities family, friends, boyfriends, lovers and even one night stands. All men have a few things in common.
Besides the obvious penis. They also all have an Inner Fuckerness.
This is something that they don't always show to everyone and they don't show it all the time.

My friend Jeffrey would like to add that women have an inner fuckerness as well.
We have discussed this at length the past few days. I am starting to agree with him.
I am sure I have been a fucker to someone at some point in time in my life.
Most of this blog was written before Jeffrey and I finished this conversation so, if you are a man reading this pretend it is about women and their inner fuckerness.

I do not think that I am a bitter woman.
I have been hurt very badly by men.
BUT I still have a glimmer of hope that I will meet some man who loves me for every wonderful thing as well as every annoying thing about me.

Some men choose to show this fuckerness right away they will flirt with you, make you feel like a million bucks for a few hours or days then you will never hear from them again. They just POOF disappear.

Some wait years and years and years to show this fuckerness.
I have NO clue what brings this fuckerness out.
There are some people whom I thought were above and beyond showing this heinous man gene but life has a cruel sense of humor and likes to kick you in the gut the minute you think you are happy and doing things right.

So, are people born with this inner fuckerness?
Does it grow over time?
Does it grow over the length of certain relationships?
Does it dissipate over time? Does it dissipate over the length of certain relationships?
Not sure. Still working on that.
I think it is different in each person. Judging from the conversations I have had with friends we all have similar experiences but the life phases of the fuckers involved are different.

So, I guess there is nothing we can do to prevent or ward off the inner fuckerness.
There are no tell tale signs. So, I guess if you know it is a possibility it might make it hurt less when it happens to you.
That is what I keep telling myself as I navigate my way thru this mine field of a love life.
Keep me posted on your progress and or fuckerness stories of your own!
Good Luck and Happy Dating!

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